Cleanse your space with smoke or steam as we are all siting in our homes working, playing and struggling to stay sane. SAGE, COPAL, MULLEIN, SWEETGRASS & CEDAR make sweet smoke to clean the air in your home. For people with asthma, I give you the following information. Inhaling of herbs such as MULLEIN & SAGE are still used throughout the South as relief measure for asthma and bronchial problems. My cousin has asthma and she takes this measure time and again. ( Although she was afraid at first, truth be told ) Teas or tonics made from HOREHOUND, MULLEIN & WHITE PINE BARK aid in strengthening the respiratory system. Mullein ( also called Two-Tall ) is a widely used as a Gullah/Geechee treatment for COPD, asthma, hay fever and difficulty breathing. ( Pictured : Mullein )
#hushharborrootworks #HHR
#hushharborrootworks #HHR